Follow These Tips for a Fun and Productive Business Trip

Congratulations! You are such an important person that you are sent on a business trip. With great power comes great responsibilities. You will need to plan and think ahead. There is nothing worse than having to rush and stress because you didn’t plan enough ahead. What do you need to do to be prepared? Do you need a visa? Make your research! International business and clients might need you to adapt your attitude, outfits, and speech. Make sure you know what you are doing and prepare for all scenarios, best and worst. We have prepared a list of tips that will help you make the best out of this business trip. Keep on reading to make sure you will rock it (which we have no doubt about)!

Prepare for all occasions

Yes, it’s a business trip. This would of course mean business outfits BUT that might be a fraction of what could happen. Some clients might take you to events, dinners, or any other occasion. Don’t let it surprise you.

Make sure the outfits you take are versatile and can adapt to all scenarios. Make sure also that they are appropriate. If you make a visit to clients whose culture is very different from yours, the definition of a casual outfit can vary drastically!


Hear us out, you need to rest! Not only before the business trip, especially if it involves some jet lag but also during and after. A business trip can be very laid back as much as it can be a stressful time! Make sure you are resting properly.

Not only will you have a better look, feel better and be more efficient but you will also make a better job and impression. Make sure you have done the essentials you need before so you don’t have to sacrifice your night of sleep to prepare things last minute.

Make the most out of it

Know your planning prior to the trip so you can maybe spend extra days at the destination. This way you can enjoy the city, the country. You can make two birds out of one stone as the proverb goes. Can’t have extra days off?

No worries! You can try to get some early morning promenades or jogs. You can also do the same at the end of the day, walk around, and discover the city. No need to exhaust yourself further if you are knackered at the end of the day but if you have free time or energy left, make the most out of it!

Travel light

Make sure you stick to carry-on bags only! First of all, your company might not pay for an extra bag. Second, it takes more time as you have to wait for it when you land. Most businesspeople travel with only carry-on bags and they would probably be unhappy having to wait for your bag.

On top of that, you don’t need more. Business trips usually last only a few days. Just make sure you have versatile outfits, just pack the essentials. Use travel cosmetic kits, they are more than enough for a few days and you can take them in carry-on bags.


You are on a business trip, consequently, you have to be on your best behaviour. There is no coming back if you have forgotten something important. Make a checklist! It should include what you need for your job and personal items.

Make sure you have the documents you need, your charger -which is too often forgotten behind! Also, think about potential adaptors you will need or specific travel documents. Planning is key!

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