You Can’t Get A Full Dose Of The City Of Love Without Exploring These Sites

Paris is the city of love, no doubt. There is barely any street or alley that doesn’t scream romance. There is an abundance of Baroque palaces, tree-lined streets, sultry bars, Gothic cathedrals, secret gardens, Art Nouveau and romantic cafes almost everywhere in Paris. Although the list of romance opportunities in Paris can be very long, there are key experiences you shouldn’t miss. Here are the most romantic activities for a couple’s trip.

Explore the French Romantics

There are several Romantic-era works to infuse romance into your trip. Head over to the Musée de la Vie Romantique, a romantic mansion with green shutters in a cobbled courtyard at the end of a tree-shaded alley. The objects at the mansion make you feel at home.

Courtesy: Paris Insiders Guide

You could also visit museums like the Louvre and Musée d’Orsay for romantic works by the painter Delacroix. Alternatively, visit Delacroix’s studio home, Musée National Eugène Delacroix, to look at his intimate works like the 1828 An Unmade Bed.

Stroll down Canal St Martin

A stroll down Canal St Martin offers more ecstasy than sitting in fancy restaurants. Just take an evening stroll with your partner along the shaded 19th-century towpaths. If you love boats, grab a waterside pew at Chez Prune.

Courtesy: Hotel Appia

You shouldn’t miss the iron footbridge by the intersection of Quai de Jemmapes and rue de la Grange aux Belles- you’ll see canal boats pass the vintage road bridge. Spice things up with a bottle of wine from Le Verre Vole.

Bask in the glory of the Eiffel Tower

We bet you’ve seen one or more movies incorporating an Eiffel Tower proposal. It’s unsurprising that the prominent tower has witnessed several marriage proposals. Well, it’s a no-brainer; the view of the city from the tower is breathtaking.

Courtesy: A Paris Guide

The three floors of the 324m give guests a panoramic view of the city- you can’t help feeling amazed. The tower’s 20,000 gold lights sparkle when it gets dark, adding more allure to the Parisian icon. You might want to bring pink Champagne.

Have an unforgettable meal

Paris isn’t all about romantic sights; there is the food too. If tables between art nouveau columns sound cool to you, you should go to Mini Palais in Grand Palais. Bouillon Racine is also a popular spot for romantic meals.

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You’ll fall in love in the candlelit rooms inside a vine-covered 17th-century townhouse called Le Coupe Chou. You and your partner could round off your romantic outing with exotic wines at Le Baron Rouge after having aphrodisiac oysters at Au Rocher de Cancale.

Walk through covered passageways

Aside from discovering the nostalgia of 19th-century Paris, walking through these covered passageways is also an opportunity to buy amazing souvenirs. There are many shopping arcades to buy antiques and enjoy amazing meals.

Courtesy: Pinterest

Your walk isn’t complete without basking in the Galerie de Valois and Galerie de Montpensier arches in Jardin du Palais Royal. You could also visit the vintage boutiques for collectibles such as medals, stamps, and postcards. The passageways have a real treasure.

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